We believe that once you have asked Jesus to come into your heart and life, that there are several next steps you should take to lean further into your faith. Being baptized, getting plugged into a life group, attending Growth Track, and serving in the church are great ways to experience the freedom and joy that having a relationship with Christ brings.
God has an incredible purpose for your life, and Growth Track is designed to help you connect with that purpose. In Growth Track, you will spend one Sunday, for about 90-minutues, diving into what it looks like to connect to the church, discover your purpose and then make a difference with your life.
Join the Dream Team
The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their unique abilities and passions and are actively serving in them. These are the people who make Life Point so amazing. Our Dream Team staff works tirelessly to pull off our weekend services and church events. We have several areas where you can volunteer – production, media, children, students, impressions, parking, worship, and more! Click here to learn more.
Get Baptized
Being baptized is an important Next Right Step for a Christian. We believe it is an outward symbol of the inner commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Because of this, we celebrate whenever anyone in our church family makes this public declaration. We hold baptisms during services about once a quarter.
Think this is your Next Right Step? Sign up today!
Join a Life Group
We believe each person can have a growing relationship with Jesus. That each person can have the kind of relationship that is exciting, life-giving and worth living. And that life isn’t found alone – it’s found in doing life with other people on their journey with God.